The higher the first number, the larger the fan width
The first digit of the code, when multiplied by 5, tells you the fan width of the tip in cm when sprayed at adistance of 30 cm from the surface.
The higher the last two numbers, the higher the material output
The last two digits show the size of the spray orifice, indicated in one thousands of an inch. The higher the number, the greater the flow with which you can spray.
Find out more about spray
How to choose the right spray tip
Read our guide to make sure you choose the right tip for your specific airless spraying application.
Choosing the right spray guards and filters
For flawless spraying, your airless spray tip needs the perfect partners: the right guard and filter. Let's find the ideal combo for your project!
Sprayable paints
Read our guide on recommended products and spray tips to help you achieve a flawless finish