Bristol South

For useful information and opening times please contact one of the following information points.

For questions about your recent order please contact the store who is fulfilling the order, contact details can be found on your confirmation email. Alternatively please use the form below.

Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or Tweet us on X @duluxdeccentre.

Write to us: Dulux Decorator Centre, Manchester Road, West Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 5PG 

To find your nearest store, use our store finder.

Customer service0330 587 1800 (opening hours 08:30 - 17:00 Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
Technical advice
: 0333 222 7070

Please read our FAQ's here for the most frequently asked questions

To send us your comments about our stores, our website and our service to you, please use this form.

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