User Guides
To request a price list:
- Log into your online account (if not yet registered for access, please register using the Register/Login link )
- Select 'Request price list' from the menu on the left-hand side
- Then selects 'send request'
- You will then receieve an email containing the most up to date price list
To add products to favourites
- Log into your online account (if not yet registered for access, please register using the Register/Login link)
- Locate the product you want to add to the favourites and click "Add to favourites". This then adds that product to your favourites list
To view favourites product list
- Log into your online account (if not yet registered for access, please regsiter usign the Register/Login link)
- Select 'Product Favourites' from the menu on the left-hand side or Account drop down list
- You can browse to products from favourites
- You can items to shopping basket by selecting 'Add to cart' before continuing to finalise purchase