User Guides

Request Price List
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To request a price list:

  1. Log into your online account (if not yet registered for access, please register using the Register/Login link )
  2. Select 'Request price list' from the menu on the left-hand side
  3. Then selects 'send request'
  4. You will then receieve an email containing the most up to date price list
Product Favourites
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To add products to favourites

  1. Log into your online account (if not yet registered for access, please register using the Register/Login link)
  2. Locate the product you want to add to the favourites and click "Add to favourites". This then adds that product to your favourites list

To view favourites product list

  1.  Log into your online account (if not yet registered for access, please regsiter usign the Register/Login link)
  2. Select 'Product Favourites' from the menu on the left-hand side or Account drop down list
  3. You can browse to products from favourites
  4. You can items to shopping basket by selecting 'Add to cart' before continuing to finalise purchase 