Holmer Green Junior School

Holmer Green Junior School secured a free Dulux Trade makeover after hosting the launch of Dulux's 'Design Principles'. Students at the school asked for their music studio to be transformed into an vibrant space for learning and practising music.

Their design concept was inspired by the idea of musical creations – with a painted musical keyboard and musical notes decorated around the room.

The studio makeover has had a really positive impact on the school's students. The choir has grown from a few children to 45 students in the space of just a couple of years.

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To see Rebecca Campbell, Headteacher, and Claire Hardy, former Deputy Head discuss the benefit of the new music room, click here.

Oliver, Year 4, Holmer Green Junior School, describes the music room's transformation as the "perfect improvement!" 
Skilful use of colour and design is essential when you’re creating accommodation that inspires, energises, and supports the wellbeing of students.

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