To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, we caught up with members of our team to find out why they chose the apprenticeship route, how it has made a difference to their career path and what advice they would give to others considering embarking on the journey. Here, we speak to Patrycja Trala, who completed a Level 4 Retail Management apprenticeship.

What made you take the leap to join the Retail Management apprenticeship programme?

I have always enjoyed helping businesses to grow and supporting people to develop their skills, so a role in management really appealed to me. The Level 4 Retail Management apprenticeship covers a wide variety of subjects and it allowed me to develop my skills, get a great head start in my career and give me a new accreditation to my name.

What was the highlight of the apprenticeship programme?

I loved learning how business works! We had the opportunity to write a business project and this helped me to understand the business of Dulux Decorator Centre better in terms of finances, objectives, sales and marketing.

How has your career benefitted from taking part in the apprenticeship programme?

My apprenticeship helped me to gain confidence in my role. It has given me a better understanding of all areas of business and reaffirmed my passion for management and retail - and working as part of a team.

What advice you would you like to share with those considering taking on an apprenticeship?

Give it a go and spread your wings! It will not be easy, it takes time and you will have thousands of questions - but there are people ready to assist and direct you in the right way. The apprenticeship will definitely bare the fruits.

If you’d like to find out more about job opportunities at Dulux Decorator Centre, please visit
