Introducing New Dulux Trade Sterishield Dual Active Matt Introducing New Dulux Trade Sterishield Dual Active Matt

We’ve upgraded our Dulux Trade Sterishield paint by giving it antiviral and antibacterial properties.

New Dulux Trade Sterishield Dual Active Matt is a quick-drying, water-based durable paint containing in-film antimicrobial additives, which inhibit bacteria and viruses.*

It effectively reduces populations of MRSA, S. Aureus, E. coli, Coronaviruses and Human Herpesvirus and Phi 6 bacteriophage.

Plus, when combined with appropriate cleaning practices, Dulux Trade Sterishield Dual Active Matt anti-bacterial paint helps promote a more hygienic environment.

The new scrubbable paint is stain-resistant and cleanable, offering a durable matt finish that’s suitable for all normal interior wall and ceiling surfaces.

What are the benefits?

  • Anti-Viral & Anti-Bacterial*
  • Durable Matt Finish (withstands 10,000 scrubs)
  • Ideal in high use areas that need regular cleaning
  • Suitable for use with approved NHS cleaning regime**

Touch Dry: 2 hours

Recoatable: 4-6 hours

Coverage: up to 16m² per litre

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Sterishield Dual Active Matt

Where to use it

Dulux Trade Sterishield Dual Active Matt is a durable paint ideal for use in any space where hygiene and cleanliness are important.


  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • GP surgeries
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Industry & Commercial

  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Food preparation and eating areas
  • Catering and kitchen operations
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Accommodation & Leisure

  • Nursing home & residential care homes
  • Local authority and housing association properties
  • Hotels and holiday villages
  • Gym and recreational facilities
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Designing for Dementia

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Dementia friendly colour palette

Dulux Trade has developed evidence-based design principles to help pro-decorators create spaces that prioritise the wellbeing of people living with dementia – like care homes, for example.

Colour & contrast

Walls, floors and doors should be defined and have contrast between them. The recommendation is a minimum of 30 points of light reflectance Value (LRV). This helps occupants feel more confident and move around independently within the space.

Learn more about our occupant-centred design principles here >

Discover the complete Dulux Trade cleanability range

Dulux Trade Diamond Matt

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A tough and durable paint perfect for high traffic areas. Contains unique stain repellent technology, preventing stains from setting in to the surface, and anti-fade technology for long lasting colour.


Dulux Trade Sterishield Diamond Matt

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A quick drying, water-based antibacterial paint containing an in-film Silver Bactericide, which inhibits bacteria and reduces populations of MRSA and E.coli. It is a tough, scrubbable, durable, stain-resistant matt emulsion.


Dulux Trade Sterishield Dual Active Matt

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A quick drying, water-based antimicrobial paint, containing in-film antimicrobial additives, which inhibits bacteria and viruses*. It reduces populations of MRSA, S. Aureus, E. coli, Coronaviruses and Human Herpesvirus. It is a tough, scrubbable, durable, stain-resistant matt emulsion.


*Bacteria tested to ISO 22196 with over 99% less viable E. coli and MRSA left after 2 hours when compared to a control (Sterishield Diamond Matt). Viruses tested to ISO 21702 with: over 58 % less viable Feline Coronavirus left after 1 hour compared to a control (Sterishield Diamond Matt); over 41 % less viable Human Herpes Virus HHV-1 left after 1 hour compared to a control (Sterishield Diamond Matt); over 76 % less viable Human Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 left after 1 hour compared to a control (Sterishield Diamond Matt). Dulux Sterishield Dual Active is not a substitute for appropriate cleaning regimes and hygiene practices, including suitable ventilation.

**See National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021 Report.
